Welcome MET Families to the Drama section of the new PYP Visual and Performing Arts Blog!
My name is Ms. Odette and I will be teaching Drama to the 2nd Grade students during this school year. As we begin the year, our focus is on getting to know one another and building a foundation of trust in the classroom. In Drama, it is very important that we create an environment where we feel we can try new things and grow, knowing that we have the support of our classmates.
As 2nd Graders, we will continue to build on the skills that we have been developing since we began our Drama classes here at the MET. Our classes begin with physical warm-ups to build our endurance and our vocal projection. This will help us become performers that have stage presence and command the attention of our audience. We will begin with improvisation and mime work to allow us to demonstrate the creative choices we make through our physicality, as well strengthen our story-telling abilities. As we become stronger readers, we will continue to focus on literacy by taking a look at stories, as well as scripts that we can perform and write skits of our very own. With each passing year, the students are encouraged to challenge their capabilities by going the extra mile and in doing this, discover new levels of confidence when performing in front of an audience.
Through this blog, I will be sharing pictures taken in class of the activities that we are participating in. We hope you enjoy this peek at our Drama class time!