Thursday, August 11, 2016

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Drama, 1st Grade Families!

Welcome MET Families to the Drama section of the new PYP Visual and Performing Arts Blog!

My name is Ms. Odette and I will be teaching Drama to the 1st Grade students during this school year. As we begin the year, our focus is on getting to know one another and building a foundation of trust. In Drama, it is very important that we create an environment where we feel we can try new things and grow, knowing that we have the support of our classmates. 

Our goal is to continue to build upon the skills that we have developed in Kinder. As our reading skills become stronger, we will now focus more on literacy, reading stories to each other and then, performing these stories. We will also focus on our emotions, reflect on how our emotions connect with our feelings and how our bodies demonstrate these feelings to the outside world. The primary focus of performance is: the body, our voice and emotions. As we become more comfortable with these aspects of the human spirit, we can implement them into a performance in front of an audience.

Through this blog, I will be sharing pictures taken in class of the activities that we are participating in. We hope you enjoy this peek at our Drama class time!