Friday, September 16, 2016

Reflecting on our Daily Routines through Drama

The 2nd Grade has been asked to reflect on the Daily Routines that they participate in regularly. An important aspect of Drama is observing how you perform things in life to recreate these actions on stage. 

The renowned writer, actor and one of the forefathers of "Method Acting", Constantin Stanislavsky teaches about emotional memory and it's connection to sensation memory. 

"Of our five senses, sight is the most receptive of impressions. That is why impressions are readily made through our eyes and ears." (Excerpt of his text, "An Actor Prepares")

The 2nd Grade began with an exercise called the "Daily Routine Disco". While facing a mirror, they perform several steps of a daily routine such as brushing their teeth, eating a meal or putting on their clothes. While listening to a selection of music, the routine starts out very small then builds to a creshendo during a countdown of 1 to 10. 1 being the most detailed demonstration of the action growing to a 10, where the routine is almost a frenzied dance!